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We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has given towards the work we do in Seaton for the Kingdom of God.
If you would like to give in cash or cheque, please simply mail your giving to us. Please make cheques payable to Seaton Community Church SCIO or send a bank transfer using the details on below.
Sort Code: 83 91 46
Account Number: 40400284
Gift Aid is a government scheme whereby charities are able to reclaim basic-rate income tax payable on gifts received. Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.
For example, if you decide to give £100, the government will add £25 because of our charitable status.
We encourage you to allow the church to make use of this excellent scheme. It only requires you to complete the form below. If you have any further questions, please contact
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